We are reaching out today to seek recommendations from our long-standing Children’s House supporters. We recently lost a few members of our Board of Directors due to expired terms, and we are looking for new board members to replace these positions. We also wish to expand our board membership to attract a diverse group of leaders for OICH.

Orcas Island Children’s House is entering an exciting new era. Our new Executive Director, Ady Walker, joined the team in 2019 and we are delighted to see the direction Children’s House is headed as she settles into her role and hits her stride. With Ady at the helm, we had unprecedented success in our 2019 Mayor’s Race fundraiser; we’ve added wonderful new staff to the team, and our branding has received a facelift. Not to mention, her steadfast dedication to remain a safe refuge for children and support of working families during the COVID-19 global pandemic. At Children’s House we are committed to giving every child a chance to come to school, we are excited to work with Ady to continue to grow the success of Children’s House and work to allow ALL children access to quality education.

Children’s House board members provide strategic direction and oversight to the school and lead OICH in achieving its mission. Board members play an active role in fundraising, fiscal supervision and strategic planning. In addition, they establish policies and procedures to ensure smooth operation of the organization.

If you, or someone you know might be interested in a seat on the Board of Directors at Children’s House please reach out! Stop by, give us a call, or drop us a note and we will guide you in next steps to explore if it is the right fit.

We look forward to hearing from you.