Cheri Peters to come to Orcas Island for public talks this weekend

By Wendy Shinstine Smith

Cheri Peters travels the world expressing knowledge and testimony with the encouragement people crave.  She is featured on a radio program as well as on an ongoing TV program hosted by 3abn.  She invites guest speakers to her shows who have medical knowledge and speakers who have testimony of their own personal recovery stories as well as their families who walked through recovery with them.  She has written two books about her life and another about the experiences of others

Peters is brought to Orcas Island for several public events this weekend:

Friday, April 29

8:35 am – 9:20 am at Orcas Public School –   Commons gathering with students from 9th and 10th grades….both Public and Orcas Christian Schools

This will be based on information for students to make solid aware choices with a positive approach to life style choices.  Students connect to Cheri with her amazing vibrant attitudes and her ability to be completely honest with them

9:30am – 10:20 am at Orcas Public School – Commons gathering with students from  11th and 12th grades…both Public and OCS schools

During break period after students may find Cheri in the Commons and then at Enzo’s after for additional question time

1pm ….  at OCS school – High school  (and possibly middle school)  Chapel with Cheri
Faith-based presentation with her testimony

Friday pm – EVERYONE – all community

6 pm  at Orcas Christian School…..   Island wide gathering with Soup and salad provided …..  childcare for toddlers and elementary care in the gym

Saturday, April 30

Everyone – all community

10 am   –  with Cheri on a personal level   – childcare provided

11 am – Praise and Worship with Cheri and Brad Peters  for families with fellowship lunch to follow

Sunday, May 2

Everyone – all community

1 pm…..  Community Forum with potluck at Orcas Christian School
Toddler and elementary age care in the OCS gym provided

Food dishes NOT required to attend but appreciated… our hope is for all the community to feel welcome   —–   for ease of planning and seating  we are hoping for FINGER FOODS that can be enjoyed while seated casually.  Please bring or know basic ingredients for food labels to accommodate allergies and preferences for vegetarian and gluten free

The Orcas Christian School and the Orcas Adventist Fellowship would like to thank the
Orcas Public School, the Orcas Island Prevention Partnership, Point Blank, and The Orcas Island Community Church. It couldn’t happen without such strong ties in our community.

My feeling is that every family on the island  is either touched by addictive behaviors or recovering in one way or another from it.  For those who are  free from any ties to it….it is wonderful to be able to have a few of the right words to encourage others.

For any questions or information contact Wendy at

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