Kids and adults who feel more connected to the Salish Sea are more likely to protect it. That’s why we are asking islanders to support our OICF GIVEORCAS project: Immersive Salish Sea Education program for Orcas Island youth.

Listen to how the kids refer to sea life in this 30-sec video. When viewing a fish or shrimp swim by them through virtual reality headsets, they don’t say, “Look at IT go.” They say, “Look at HER go.”

The Immersive Salish Sea Education program will take high school-aged students from Orcas Island on real-life excursions through the waters of the Salish Sea using virtual reality headsets. This multi-day program, led by Friends of the San Juans, will connect students to the marine food web and scientific research with marine food web lessons, virtual reality experiences, and a walking field trip to a shoreline.

The GIVEORCAS organization that receives the most hundred-dollar (or more) donations on Monday, November 27th, will win $1,000. The project with the second-most will get $500, and third place will receive $250.  If you are in a position to be able to contribute $100 on Monday, we will be grateful!

To learn more or donate, visit: https://oicf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create/grant?grant_id=30031

This education program achieves WA State standards for Integrated Environmental and Sustainability Education and Technology Learning Standards. Students learn about conservation, and the effects of climate change, pollution, and other environmental stressors on the ecosystem. Virtual reality equipment purchased with this grant can also be used at other future educational opportunities in the schools, libraries, film festivals, fairs, and Farmer’s Markets.


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