4 p.m. Ticket Sales Open at Orcas Center
5:30 p.m. Volunteer Reception – Toast 2015 Festival and New Executive Director

— from the Chamber Music Festival —

Aloysia Friedmann and Jon Kimura-Parker, 2014

Aloysia Friedmann and Jon Kimura-Parker, 2014

Opening day of ticket sales for the 2015 Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival is Thursday, April 30th. The traditional “Early Birds” will start at 4:00 pm. For years, loyal patrons have lined up in order to make their concert choices before sales open online or by phone. All are welcome to come to the Madrona Room at Orcas Center beginning at 4:00 pm to select your favorite seats and concerts. The friendly Festival staff will be there to help with ticket orders and answer questions about this Summer’s music and musicians.

Then at 5:30 pm, the kick-off celebration continues with a reception for Festival volunteers! Leslie Rae Schmitz, new Executive Director for the Chamber Music Festival, will welcome the terrific team of volunteers, and staff will preview the much-anticipated concerts and events. Hors d’oeuvres from Orcas Village Store and Thurston Wolfe wine will complement the occasion.

The 18th Annual Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival takes place August 6th through
August 22nd. This year’s Festival is going to be spectacular! Cellos play a big part this year, including one concert with eight cellists on stage! Opening and closing weekends feature the beautiful two-piano music of Rachmaninoff. Artistic Director Aloysia Friedmann and Artistic Advisor Jon Kimura Parker welcome saxophonist Timothy McAllister, fresh from winning a 2015 Grammy! He will perform everything from Gershwin to William Walton’s colorful Façade. Metropolitan Opera’s Principal oboist Nathan Hughes brings his warmth of sound to Mozart and more. Add masterworks of Haydn, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Schönberg’s haunting Verklärte Nacht – all being performed by superstar musicians – and you’ll want to be part of this exhilarating two-week Festival.

If you can’t join us in person, online ticket sales open April 30th at 9 pm. Visit our web site www.oicmf.org to purchase tickets. Phone sales begin May 1st by calling the Box Office @ 376-2281. To view the complete concert schedule and performing artists, visit www.oicmf.org or call the Festival office at 376-6636 for further information.