— by Margie Doyle —

Chamber members listen in rapt attention to presentations at the Annual Event.

Chamber members listen in rapt attention to presentations at the Annual Event.

Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lance Evans and Chamber Board President Susan Gudgell presided over the annual meeting of the Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce at Rosario’s Beach House on Thursday, Oct. 30.

As in recent years, the event was standing room only, with assistance for the food and venue provided by Rosario Resort;  Executive Chef Dan Koommoo prepared the lavish roast beef dinner and dessert buffet. Evans thanked Chamber of Commerce staff and volunteers Heather Johnson, Lisa Boyd, Michele Wiley and Becky Burkley.

Following a social hour, Lance displayed a slide presentation giving the county’s business economy picture, developed with the assistance of the San Juans Economic Development Council (EDC) and provided by EDC Director Victoria Compton.

Michel Marshall, former Chamber President, spoke about plans for the 2015 shoulder season — the Shakespeare Festival (April 30 –  May 3) and the Bird and Wildlife Festival.

Deborah Hopkins spoke for the San Juan Visitors’ Bureau on promotion of islands’ tourism.

Brian Churchwell, Program Manager for Vehicle Reservations for Washington State Ferries gave a brief presentation on the reservations system that will start on Jan. 5, 2015.(Reservations eastbound from Orcas and Friday Harbor can be made beginning on Dec. 2, 2014). He invited people to attend the Orcas Island meetings on Nov. 1 and Nov. 22, and encouraged them to go to the website www.takeaferry.com. He assured the Chamber audience that the new reservations system would be “adjusted to meet your needs.”

Rick Hughes gave a stemwinder of a speech, interrupted frequently with applause, on the work of the Council in partnership with the Chamber. After stating the expenses of tourism — heightened demands for garbage pickup, road use and parking — Hughes said that he looks forward to a more “municipal” approach to resolving those issues, as evidenced by the county’s decision to pay for summer garbage pick-up next year.

He  announced that the county’s $800,0000 solid waste deficit had been paid off, “thanks to Orcas Recycling Services’ successful take-over of the Orcas transfer station.”He recalled the flooding of last autumn instigating the maintenance of Eastsound storm drains and establishing a regular maintenance schedule. He spoke of plans to re-organize the Orcas Senior Center/County office building on Henry Road in Eastsound, and negotiations to install more docks and buoys in county waters.

The annual Chamber awards singled out the work of Island cooperatives and non-profits as well as its business members:

  • Hilary Canty, Director of the Orcas Island Community Foundation, won the award for Community Service.
  • Michel Marshall, owner of Office Cupboard, accepted the award for Island Friendly Spirit/Customer Service.
  • The new Orcas Island Food Co-op won for Environmental Excellence.

New  this year, the Business Innovation and Creativity Award was given to Barnacle owner and the non-profit Orcas Island Film Festival lead Jared Lovejoy. The Business Marketing Award was also new this year and was won by the Orcas Island Film Festival.

And a record was set for the jam-packed event — under two hours from start to finish!