– by Susan McBain, Orcas Issues reporter —

The Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce held its 2017 Annual Meeting on Thursday, Oct. 26. Besides the usual good food, mingling, door prizes, and information on what’s been happening at the Chamber, the meeting featured the Chamber’s much-anticipated annual awards. Here are the 2017 winners in each category, with comments from their nominators.

Scott Lancaster and Chris Sutton, holding Tony Ghazel via cellphone connection, receive their Community Service awards at the Oct. 26 School Board meeting. (Photo courtesy Janet Brownell)

The Community Service Award went to Tony Ghazel, Scott Lancaster, and Chris Sutton, retiring members of the Orcas Island School District Board. This award honors Chamber members who make contributions to the community a priority. “In aggregate, these three men have given over 30 years of service to our Orcas Island public schools….without question our schools are better and stronger because of their dedication.”

The Environmental Excellence Award went to The Exchange/Orcas Recycling Services. This award recognizes Chamber members that utilize environmentally friendly and sustainable practices in day-to-day operations. The award recognized “the tireless service rendered by staff, Board members, and many community volunteers in pursuit of the Orcas Recycling Services’ zero-waste mission.”

The “Island Friendly Spirit” Award for Customer Service went to the Orcas Island Market. This award goes to Chamber members who make customer service and the customer experience a priority. “Island Market does a wonderful job welcoming both those from near and afar and does a great job straddling our communities’ many food needs and desires—all with a smile.”

The Business Innovation & Creativity Award went to Orcassong Farm. This award honors Chamber members who take a chance on a new idea or concept in the marketplace. “Orcasong seeks to build economic resiliency and social change through mentoring and funding the incubation of local land-based businesses….very forward thinking about farm policy, land use, and investing in the future of a community.”

The Business Marketing Award went to Cole & Stephanie Sisson, Doe Bay Wine Company. This award recognizes Chamber members who realize that to stand out in today’s world, a bit of marketing wizardry is needed. “…they’ve done a fantastic job infiltrating the community and dousing it with delicious wine and beer. Excellent email and direct marketing tailored to different types of audiences.”

A new award for 2017 is the President’s Public Service Award, and the first one went to San Juan County Council member Rick Hughes. His nominators said, “Rick Hughes has worked tirelessly around the clock to represent Orcas’s best interests at the County level.”

Congratulations to all the winners for jobs well done!

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