— from Madie Murray —

Mark your calendar and prepare your taste buds, the Farm to Cafeteria Program’s Celebrity Chef at School event is back.

Charles Dalton teaching students how to make tasty tamales.

On Wednesday, October 21, Charles Dalton, owner of The Kitchen, will be this school year’s first Island chef to participate in the event. This will be his fourth time. Charles was the first chef to participate in the event back in 2009. He was also our last Celebrity Chef before the school cafeteria was remodeled, at which time he broke the record of lunches served in our cafeteria from 350 to 425.

He wants to break another record! Charles and our exceptional cafeteria staff will work together in the spacious new cafeteria kitchen to create a flavorful menu of oven fries and carrot chips, meat balls (regular and veggie) with plum ketchup, cucumber dip and rice, topped off with pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting for dessert.

As in the past, parents are encouraged to eat with their kids. The community is invited to come for lunch between 12:15 and 12:45 p.m. to enjoy our new cafeteria space and Charles’s delicious lunch. Just $5 for adults, includes a trip to the salad bar and a beverage.

Also, if you are interested in volunteering to help prep or serve, please contact Ashley Randall at arandall@orcas.k12.wa.us

We look forward to seeing you on October 21!