— from Amy Nesler, San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau —

Have fun with environmental art at the SJIMA, Great Island Beach Clean-ups and lots of fun for kids.

Did you know that April is National Volunteer Month? Spend a day or more giving back to the natural places we all love during April and May—in the San Juan Islands. Work with locals to maintain trails in beautiful Moran State Park on Orcas Island, clean up a beach on San Juan, Orcas, or Lopez Islands, ride your bike in the Tour de Lopez, and then enjoy the All-Species Parade in Lopez Village.

Other Earth Day stewardship events throughout April make a springtime visit to the San Juans not only a relaxing getaway, but a great learning opportunity for families with children. Join locals for Great Island Cleanups at some of Lopez, Orcas and San Juan Islands’ most beautiful beaches.

At the San Juan Islands Museum of Art (SJIMA) from Mar. 4 through May 15, painter and sculptor Suze Woolf’s show Charred Totems will feature twelve suspended, cast paper tree paintings and three pine beetle books, which begin the conversation about climate change, and the risk of loss in our northwest forests due to beetle infestation and fires.

Find out more at visitsanjuans.com/voluntourism-earth-day-events, along with information about quiet-season lodging, dining specials and more. Additional events and opportunities will be added to the website as available. Check out our Spring Break Packages for lodging and dining specials while volunteering.