This November, Storytelling with Eth-Noh-Tec celebrates on Zoom! (And we celebrate on Tuesday 11/24 in lieu of livestreaming on Thanksgiving Thursday, 11/26)

A Grateful Gathering: Red Altar DVD Launch PARTY!
Tuesday, November 24, 5-6 pm PST 7-8 pm CST; 8-9-pm EST

DVD Zoom Release Party Red Altar 2

We are delighted to announce that Red Altar is now available on DVD — and we invite you to join us for a family-friendly celebration of Nancy’s immigration story as well as your own family’s story of immigration!

Please join Nancy Wang and Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo, Founding Directors of Eth-Noh-Tec, for a special hour together. We will screen a clip from the Red Altar DVD, have an opportunity for each of us to celebrate and share own immigration or family stories in smaller groups (“break out rooms”) — and more! We look forward to gathering with you then.

Link to register to join us on Tuesday, November 24, 5-6 pm PST: http://bit.ly/RedAltarDVDParty

This gathering is free, but donations of all sizes are gratefully welcomed!

For details, visit us at www.ethnohtec.org or facebook.com/ethnohtec

Want to buy your own copy of Red Altar?
Click on the image below, and read on for details

We have made a limited run of the Red Altar DVD that is available for you, for these times, and for the holidays! We used three cameras to capture our dynamic performance and multi-media for the two dimensional platform – the screen!

The DVD is $20 general / $10 for schools and libraries (plus shipping and handling).  If you wish to donate a DVD to your local school or library, please let us know so that we can send a curriculum guide to those establishments.  This special offer is through a generous grant from the Robert Joseph Louie Memorial Fund.

The DVD is available to purchase online at ethnohtec.org/shop or by check to 491 Discovery Way, Eastsound, WA, 98245.