Jason Call will be on Orcas Island this coming Tuesday [new time at 1:15 p.m] at the Village Green


Progressive candidate for Congress Jason Call.

There has been a fair amount of interest expressed locally in progressive candidate for Congress Jason Call.  Jason appeared at the meeting of the San Juan County Democrats on January 8, and he spoke in detail of his policy positions, generally more progressive than current Congressman Rick Larsen.  If you would like  to watch a recording of that meeting, which also features a shorter visit by Rep. Larsen, you can view it HERE, Passcode 6Vm6F7?c. A much shorter alternative to watch is a 12-minute interview Jason recently did on Young Turks.

Jason will be on Orcas Island this coming Tuesday [new time at 1:15 p.m] at the Village Green.  If you are on Orcas, please come out to talk to Jason.  He will be appearing in Friday Harbor on Wednesday from 10:30 until at least noon, possibly longer if people keep showing up, and this is tentatively going to be at Jackson Beach.  I will confirm the Friday Harbor location as soon as possible.

Even if you are a supporter of Congressman Larsen, come on out to speak with Jason.  The goal is to have Jason finish second in the primary, which gets him into the general election against Rick Larsen.  In 2020, Jason came within 1% of finishing second. 

In past years Rep. Larsen has competed in the general election only against Republicans, and because our district is pretty blue, he wins handily.  As a result, he is never challenged on his policies.  But if Jason makes it into the general election, the campaign will hopefully see a real debate between our moderate incumbent and a true progressive challenger who supports Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and many other issue positions popular with a majority in our district.

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