Thursday, July 13, 5 p.m., Orcas Community Church

— from Sue Lewis —

The Orcas Island Cancer Survivorship Group was founded in July 2010 by Sue Foulk, a stage 4 cancer survivor, and Bogdan and Carol Kulminski, organizers of a cancer support group in San Diego. They came together to form a group where people whose lives had been touched by cancer could come and share their feelings as each is on their individual journey. In 2011, Michael and Sue Lewis joined the leadership team. Their background included helping cancer patients through the Stephen Ministry program. The Cancer Survivorship Group continues to be a living example of the power of community and shared purpose.

This is a no-cost, confidential group where it is a safe place to share. “It is hard to describe or define the Cancer Survivorship meetings”, says Carol. “Each month, there is a topic or discussion that touches the heart of the matter and we are left changed by the experience.” Each July meeting is an anniversary celebration of living. We enjoy music, fun, and food.

The group is open to cancer patients, their families, friends or caretakers. The group includes survivors who offer hope to those beginning the journey. The group has had guest speakers including a nutritionist, physician, physical therapist, hospital personnel, representatives from the American Cancer Society and local cancer survivors. All of these widely varying individuals bring vital information to assist those who need it.

There are many aspects of cancer care and not all are medical. Spiritual support and attitude make a huge difference in outcome with any life threatening illness. This group wants very much to play a part in bringing hope and confidence to people dealing with cancer. The group welcomes newcomers and returning survivors equally. Everyone is welcome. Come share the journey.

The group meets at 5 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month in the Fireside Room of the Orcas Island Community Church, whose support has been so appreciated. For further information call Bogdan or Carol at 760-613-3101.