The public school cafeteria is humming.  The donated Glenwood Springs Hatchery salmon has been enjoyed twice already by being included in delicious Salmon quiche two weeks ago and Salmon linguini last week.  Time to give the salmon a rest, and what could rival our past accomplishments better than Chicken Pot Pie ala Anne Garfield.

Anne Garfield of Rose's, Celebrity Chef on October 20th

“Before the age of 11, I ate nothing but white bread with cinnamon sugar, noodles with butter, and meats with nothing but salt,” says Anne of her childhood approach to food.  Assisted by the fact that she grew up in a large family with older and more wiser siblings constantly exposing her to better alternatives she explains, “I eventually opened my mind to trying other foods such as sautéed mushrooms with steak, tomato sauce over pasta, and curried lamb with chutney; thus starting a lifelong love affair with food.”

On Wednesday October 20th, Anne will be sharing her lifelong affair with food with our public school kids, parents and teachers by working with the cafeteria staff to prepare and serve a menu sure to please the masses dining in the cafeteria that day.  Complimenting the main course will be a crustless pumpkin pie and Rose’s is donating cookies to top it all off.  Yum!

“I’m happy to volunteer to cook at the school to share my joy of food,” Anne says.  And, we on the Farm to Cafeteria Committee and everyone at school are very grateful for her willingness to share her culinary gifts with us.

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