Monday, July 20th, 6 to 8 p.m. at the San Juan Island Grange

— from the San Juan Conservation District —

County wide climate discussion, timed to take ferries back to Orcas, Shaw and Lopez Islands and to Anacortes

County wide climate discussion, timed to take ferries back to Orcas, Shaw and Lopez Islands and to Anacortes

You are Invited to join a facilitated discussion on building a climate resilient San Juan Islands community.

The world is facing unprecedented change due to the impacts of climate change. Locally there are numerous projects, programs, and policies at play, which may or do partially address local and regional climate related impacts. To date there has not been a holistic assessment and analysis of our climate preparedness. The newly formed Islands Climate Resilience is hosting a facilitated Community Discussion to help us identify local climate change impact projections and local actions we can take to address, prepare and coordinate our efforts for climate related impacts in the San Juan Islands.

Join in the discussion to help create an islands community that is resilient to the impacts of climate change. We invite you to bring your insights and ideas.

Proposed Agenda for the evening:

  • Overview & Introductions
  • Presentation on general climate change impacts (from WA climate impacts assessment) to make sure everyone is on the same page and connect it to the reality in the San Juans – Why do we care?
  • Examples of what other communities have done planning for climate related impacts and resilience.
  • Breakout groups focusing on identified local climate issues such as water, fire, food, and health. Solution-oriented brainstorming discussion.
  • Report from groups and discussion.
  • Next steps and opportunities to stay involved.

Resources to help prepare for the community discussion: