Monday – Tuesday April 29 – 30, Thursday – Friday May 2 – 3, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Olga Community Club

— from Caroline Buchanan —

On April 29 -30 and May 2 – 3, Caroline Buchanan is offering a Basic Watercolor course to launch want-to-be watercolorists into painting in this delightful medium.  Buchanan focuses on the processes you use to create watercolors, showing that once these are mastered you can create your own paintings.

This is also a very useful class for those who have been trying to learn watercolor from videos and books or those who are rusty and need to review the processes before taking up watercolors again.

To learn more about the course, register, or see the equipment list, go to Any questions, contact Buchanan at The equipment is available at Office Cupboard.  It is alright to also bring your own and see what else you need, planning on a Monday afternoon shopping trip if necessary.

The class is from 9:30-3:30 at the Olga Community Club.  Bring your lunch. A full kitchen is available.