Rescue this young apple tree being strangled by morning glory.

What do garden gloves, hors-d’oevres, and live music have in common? They are the makings of a festive Garden Party for the Orcas Island Elementary School grounds and garden.

Everyone is invited to help with an ongoing beautification project at the first of a series of lively Garden Parties on Sunday, June 26 from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. beginning with the removal of pesky morning glory that has taken over the area next to the school.

There is also work to be done on a little expansion of the garden as well as cleaning up the woods and brambles just west and north of it. Although there is a lot of work to be done, it promises to be a frolicsome atmosphere, with music and food.

Bring a picnic or potluck dish to share, as well as your own work gloves and tools for removing sod, digging soil, weeding, and more.

Send an email to Chelsea ( ) or Erin ( if you’re planning to come… or just show up!

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