Updated Nov. 20 at 10 p.m.

By Margie Doyle

San Juan County Council unanimously approved awarding the Orcas Transfer Station operating contract to Orcas Recycling Services (The Exchange) today, Nov. 20.

Following the announcement, Errol Speed, Vice Chair of ORS, said, “We want to thank the county for extending the deadline over and over, and accommodating us in providing the criteria that we needed to supply.”

The motion made by Council Member Richard Fralich was to direct staff to begin negotiations with Orcas Recycling Services consistent with the provisions described in the attachments to the staff report (Nov 14).

Mark DeTray, Executive Director of ORS says, “It’s been a long road to this point. Each step of the way our confidence in getting this contract has increased. We are grateful for the feedback from the County Council and staff.”  DeTray further acknowledges this is the fruition of a lot of effort and support from Orcas and Lopez residents, and that “Lopez has been our mentor in this.”

For the path ahead, DeTray recognizes they are at a cross roads to take on a whole new role in self-determination. ORS looks forward to working with the county and the “ORS proposal enables the County to do what they’ve wanted to do for a long time.”

“Here on the ground,” DeTray says, “we are responsible to our friends and neighbors. We understand this is a shift in paradigms and that creates some apprehension. We will do the council and community proud. We are not going to let them down.”

After hearing from Public Works Director Frank Mulcahy and Staff Ed Hale regarding staff recommendations for awarding the contract(s), the Council discussed options for capital improvements to the Orcas Transfer Station site between the two vendors.

It was brought out that ORS doesn’t plan to make capital improvements right away, but does plan to finance those changes with tipping fees, rather than spending down their capital funds.

Hale  corrected the draft report of Nov. 14  noting that the price charged per can by Cimarron was less than the $8 stated if capital improvements weren’t included in the contract, and that the total amount of capital investment funds available to ORS is $200,000.

Hale said that negotiations can proceed with the understanding that if negotiations fail, the county can go back to the other party, “if they are still interested.”

Council Chair Patty Miller said she was now “comfortable with the stability and viability regarding waste disposal of ORS.”

After agreeing to start contract negotiations with ORS,  Interim Council Administrator Bob Jean addressed the question of why the County doesn’t remain “in the solid waste business,” saying that rather than “looking backwards at what the costs were… it is going to be more expensive for us to stay in the business.

“The faster the transition to ORS management happens, the better.”

Fralick made a second motion to include county equipment sales or leases at fair market value as part of the contract; it also passed unanimously.

Following the ORS decision for managing the transfer station on Orcas, the Council unanimously agreed to accept the San Juan Island Vendor Selection Committee’s report and directed staff to initiate contract negotiations with Kentec USA and a lease agreement with the Town of Friday Harbor for operating the San Juan Transfer Station site.

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