— from Sheriff Ron Krebs —

Black bear spotted Sunday, May 28, 2017 around 1 p.m. Photo from Hilary Canty.

At around 4 p.m. this afternoon [Saturday, May 27], a black bear was seen in the 1100 block of Point Lawrence Road heading towards Obstruction Pass. The Sheriff’s Office has been unable to locate the bear.

We called the Department of Fish and Wildlife who said the bear probably swam to the island and that they have been seen on the outer islands before. Black bears can swim incredible distances. One of the largest populations of black bears lives a short distance away on Vancouver Island.

The Department of Fish and Wildlife ask that you not attempt to feed or harm the bear. They are safe and not aggressive unless they are cornered and can tend to get aggressive when they are fed. They said they eat vegetation and that you are more likely to be attacked by a raccoon than a black bear.

We ask that you keep your garbage locked up and not to feed it. If you see it standing up on its hind legs, it is just being inquisitive. If you see the bear, please call the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office at 378-4151.

Shooting the bear is considered poaching. Please do not harm it.

Taken about 5:45 p.m., Sunday, May 28 on Palisades Drive near the back trail to the park. Joe Symons photo.