— by Deborah Sparks for Orcas Issues —

Launched just two months ago, in October, 2018, the dispensary boutique, Orcas Island Cannabis, was designed and is run by local businessman, Heinz Brand who also owns and runs Enzo’s. Heinz is a pleasant, soft spoken man with a sense of humor, great smile, and a twinkle in his eye.

He has been a resident of Orcas Island since 1989 and running businesses on Orcas is not new to him.  Before opening Enzo’s, Heinz owned the restaurant, the Bungalow (now White Horse Pub), from 1990 to 1994.

Obtaining a license to open a cannabis store is no easy process in Washington state (licenses are limited), however, Heinz met a business man from Poulsbo that had all the licensing required and planned to work with San Juan County to open a retail store on one of the islands.  Heinz said, “it was a simple thing:” He met with the guy, offered him a price, his offer was accepted and Heinz began his journey through a maze of requirements with WSLCB ( Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board) requirements.

Only three cannabis stores are allowed in San Juan County.  San Juan Island has a store, Orcas has a store, but no one applied on Lopez, so that opened the way for another store to open on Orcas Island or San Juan.  That’s where Heinz came into the picture and his fortuitous business transaction.  

It took Heinz a year to get the building permit.  A cannabis store may not be within 1000 yards of a school or daycare center and some public institutions.  Heinz said that over half of his revenue goes to excise and sales tax and there is always a challenge keeping up with regulations that change frequently as this new kind of business evolves to meet state requirements.  If three mistakes are made by failing to stay on top of regulations, licenses are revoked.  Everything in the cannabis business has to be tracked. Heinz said he heard Norm Stamper say and Heinz paraphrases, “It’s very hard to get a license and very easy to lose one.” 

The store is located at 1533 Mt. Baker Road near Blanchard Road.  It is located in a prefab building that has a red“open” sign in a window that you can see as you go up the hill toward Blanchard Rd.  One passes through a wide opening between two tall wooden fences. There is a regard for discretion and Heinz is sensitive to those that have little to no experience in using his products and he offers a “by appointment” option for people who want to be educated in his products and purchase discreetly and anonymously.  

To enter the store one has to be 21 and have a driver’s license or photo ID as nothing is sold without customers showing their ID. 

Inside, Heinz has designed a well-planned boutique-like ambiance that includes sparkly glass cases filled with artisan designed, hand blown bongs that really dazzle. It has a jewelry store feeling to it – there are so many different types of products such as tinctures, bath balms, lotions, vaping pipes, cartridges and batteries, packaged foods, candy, mints and chocolates. 

There are comfortable leather seats to thumb through several of the marijuana cookbooks that have titles such as Edibles: Small Bites for the Modern Cannabis Kitchen and Bong Appétit by the Editors of Munchies.  These cookbooks are beautifully designed and the food photographs are top notch. Two recipes that couldn’t go without mentioning are “Green Mac & Cheese” and “Booty Call Brownies.”  

Behind the counter are sales people that know their products well and can educate a prospective customer on everything that is offered.  The store manager, Cat, who has extensive experience after working in a medical dispensary in San Diego,  really knew her products as she discussed with a customer and suggested different types of product that would provide unique or different effects. It was a fascinating experience just to hear about what each item can bring about (some can encourage a good night’s sleep or relief from achy joints). 

There is a medical endorsement on Brand’s License, “all of our cannabis products have some medical value. Especially our items with a high CBD (Cannabidiol) content can be medically beneficial. CBD has been documented as an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-psychotic, anti-Epileptic, immunosuppressive, neuroprotective, anti-emetic, anti-bacterial and as an analgesic. CBD has also shown to be effective in easing symptoms that are difficult to control including PTSD, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, and neurological disorders.” 

CDBatWork offers a 10% Discount for verified medical patients. And, he also offers a nice selection of marijuana buds and pre-rolled joints.

When asked if there is anything he would change or would like to see done to the shop in the future? Heinz, with a twinkle and an easy laugh said, “I like it just the way it is, and I would like to expand it.” As cannabis use becomes more mainstream and more normal an occurrence for those that have no experience using it, Heinz imagines the business expanding with the intention of promoting and helping more local growers to expand their businesses. He envisions his business will benefit the community commerce by increasing his purchases of locally grown and locally made products.

Shop hours are Monday thru Saturday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sundays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or call for an appointment: 360-622-5097