Statement from Bill Bangs

Why are you running for Commissioner? What do you believe Orcas Island residents want in a Commissioner, and how have you arrived at this belief?

• I believe a PHD is absolutely necessary for Orcas to have stable and reliable medical care
• I have the time, commitment, and skills to do the hard work needed to get this district established
• And as a relatively new full-time resident, I can and will be objective

I believe Orcas residents want commissioners to be:

• Effective problem solvers and good communicators,
• committed to providing stable funding for our primary care services

o while keeping the tax rate low
o and providing local urgent care 7 days a week.

I’ve been paying attention and listening

• I’ve been reading the letters and comments in our local news outlets and social media
• I’ve closely followed the Coalition website and I’ve attended all of the Town Halls.
• I’ve studied the previous and on-going surveys.
• And I’ve listened to those of you who encouraged me to run for commissioner.
• You’ve highlighted:

o my project design and management skills,
o my successful financial management and reporting,
o and my ability to get things done in a team environment.

If elected commissioner, I will support

• Secure and stable funding to keep our local doctors available
• Consolidation of our primary and urgent healthcare services Into one clinic building
• Keeping the tax rate below 50¢/$1,000 and minimizing overhead costs
• Providing 24/7 Urgent Care with same-day or next-morning appointments
• Transparency of provider data, district data, deliberations, and decisions, with disclosure of:

o Financial performance of providers and the district
o Patient Experience including satisfaction and wait times

For more information, please visit my website at:
You can send me your questions or comments directly from the website or to: