All events will be held in Heiner Hall at Whatcom Community College. Harmony Chamber Music Weekend March 29th & 30th. Application Deadline: February 15th

Who can apply to these festival events?
Students aged ~13-18 from Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan, or Island counties (or groups with at least one member a resident of these counties).

The HCMF Youth Chamber Music Weekend is a weekend event for intermediate strings and advanced strings, winds, brass and pianists. This immersive program is designed to encourage students in the art of chamber
music and foster collaboration, creativity and musical excellence while cultivating the joy of collaborative music making.

Students may apply as a pre-formed ensemble or as individuals.

There is no application fee. The weekend fee is $125. Financial need based assistance may be available.
Harmony Chamber Music Competition May 3rd & 4th

The competition is open to Advanced level ensembles. BCMS Performing Artists will adjudicate and cash prizes and merit awards will be offered. The first round is a recorded submission (due by April 5th). The second round will take place on Saturday May 3rd. A finalists concert will be held on Sunday May 4th at 4pm.

First round application recording has no application fee. Ensembles invited to the live second round will be asked to pay a $50/ensemble fee. See our website for details. Contact with any questions at  harmonychambermusicfestival@gmail.com.


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