By Lance Evans, Executive Director, Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber is thrilled to report that our annual Fourth of July Fireworks show in Eastsound is in-place, and ready to go on Monday, July 4! We should have a bang-up show, all originating in the waters of East Sound.

Viewing from the Waterfront Park and surrounding areas should be amazing. The Chamber believes the annual pyrotechnics show is an invaluable event that brings visitors to the island.

The cost of putting on a fireworks show has increased over the past few years. In years gone by, the $5,000 cost was simply absorbed into the Chamber’s annual budget.  Stricter marine & Homeland Security regulations, and a new barge rental charge mean the Chamber is facing an $8,000 dollar shortfall.

We need your help! Please be a sponsor for this year’s show and help insure that we can continue the fireworks tradition in the years to come.

Sponsorship Levels

  • Gold Level ($500+)
  • Silver Level ($250+)
  • Bronze Level ($100+)

Sponsorship Recognition

  • Your Name (Business/Organization/Individual) displayed on a banner at the Festival on the 4th, and at the Fireworks show;
  • Recognition at July 2nd Community Parade;
  • Recognition announced at July 4th Festival on the 4th;
  • Recognition announced at July 4th Eastsound Fireworks show;
  • Chamber Blast announcement;
  • Chamber Annual Meeting announcement;
  • Certificate to display in business;
  • Recognition on Chamber website home page.

Won’t you consider lending your support to the Chamber for this special event? Please call or email and let us know you are a July 4th Fireworks Sponsor!

Your donation for the Fireworks is tax-deductible! Simply make your check payable to:

Orcas Island Community Foundation (or: OICF)
PO Box 1496
Eastsound, WA 98245

Please note on check: Fireworks Fund

**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**