— from Cathy Faulkner, for Orcas Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA)–

Orcas PTSA’s annual Back to School Barbecue is Friday, Sept. 26 from 5-7 p.m., and is also the kickoff of the Friday Night Roller Skating Season. Meet our special guest, OISD Superintendent Eric Webb.

The free barbecue will be near the school cafeteria. There will be hot dogs, lemonade and brownies. Bring a side dish, (no chips please).

Skating in the middle school gym is 6 to 8:30 p.m. The cost is $5 or $12 for a family. Student skaters and their parents must complete a skating agreement prior to skating. Forms will be available at the door.

The Orcas PTSA membership drive is also in full swing. Membership is $10 per person per year. Sign up at the barbecue and receive an “early bird bonus” of a coupon for 1 free skate on membership night (October 10th).

Contact orcasptsa@gmail.com if you have questions or need more information.