Tuesday, August 11, Wednesday, August 12

— from Gretchen Krampf —

PR_MareCromwell.MWHeartwood Inspired Living and Thrive Orcas Island is excited to announce that multi-award-winning author and Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell will be on Orcas Island for several events on Tuesday, Aug 11 and Wednesday, Aug 12.

Mare will host a Community Table Talk at the Orcas Food Co-op from 1:30-2:30PM on Tuesday. Come and meet Mare and learn more about her new book, The Great Mother Bible. It’s available at Darvill’s and Mare will be signing books there, after the Co-op Conversation.

Mare will join us at Thrive Orcas Island’s Green Drinks, Tuesday evening from 5:30-7:00PM upstairs in the Co-op Commons. Green Drinks is a monthly hosted gathering of community contributors, a time to share ideas and learn more about what’s making Orcas thrive.

On Wed, Aug 12th, Mare will be leading a workshop titled “Sacred Gardening – Sacred Earth” from 12:30pm to 5:30pm. As a workshop leader, Mare is known for embodying the great love of Earth Mother in a deeply compassionate and humorous way. Her gifts as a Gaia Communicator along with her extensive experience leading workshops and talks offer a healing and informative experience for all who attend her events. The workshop fees are $85 – $95 depending upon when registering. There are some limited scholarships also, including work exchange. The workshop will be held in Olga at the Seaview Peek-a-Boo Ranch. For more information, and to register, go to: sacredgardenorcas.eventbrite.com

PR_Great-Mother-Bible-CoverThe Great Mother Bible is unique in its ability to cut to the essence of women’s spirituality like no other book has before. It eloquently conveys the nurturing feminine quality, a healing quality that is greatly needed at this time of such chaos. While human treatment of the environment is completely out of balance, natural disasters are occurring on different parts of the globe. At one point in time, visionaries in indigenous cultures communicated with Mother Earth to keep our human relationships with her in balance. The Great Mother Bible offers to restore that communication, ultimately to help us return to balance again.

Mare Cromwell is an international speaker, multi-award-winning author and nature mystic. Her three books include: The Great Mother Bible, If I gave you God’s phone number…. Searching for Spirituality in America, and Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother. Called “The Voice of Earth Mother” by a gifted Shoshone elder, Mare has studied with Native American teachers for nineteen years and currently sits on the World Council for Wisdom Gatherings. She leads workshops on our Sacred Planet-Earth Mother, Womb Wisdom and Sacred Silliness, and is the visionary behind the Great Mother Wisdom Gathering. She loves to be involved in Sacred Water Ceremonies, is a former worm herder and calls Western Maryland home. More info at www.marecromwell.com.