— from San Juan County Communications —

The August 16, 2019, Planning Commission meeting agenda is posted on the County’s website, here: https://www.sanjuanco.com/589/Planning-Commission

The agenda includes:

  • Public Hearing on PREDES-19-0001, an annual docket request for the site-specific re-designation of TPN 351444005000, located on Mullis Street, adjacent to Browne’s Home Center;

       Staff Report: https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/18748  

  • Briefing: Economic Development Element update – Victoria Compton, EDC Director, Mickey von Dassow, EDC and Bill Appel, EDC

        Memo and Draft Element:  https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/18846/

  • Briefing and scheduling a September 20, 2019, public hearing: Draft Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and – Colin Huntemer, County Engineer 

        Staff Report: https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/18874

  • Briefing: Response to Comments on the Land Capacity Analysis Methodology and Gross Developable Land Inventory (GDLI) – Adam Zack, Planner III

Staff Report: https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/18854

Planning Commission agenda includes a public access period for the public to provide comments on agenda items.  

Planning Commission meetings are live-streamed on the County’s website here: https://www.sanjuanco.com/971/Planning-Commission-Meeting-Video