The Actors Theater of Orcas Island announces auditions for their upcoming Christmas Radio Show. There will be four performances of the Christmas Radio Show at the Grange on December 8th through the 11th. Auditions for this show will be held at the Grange on Tuesday, November 8th and Thursday, November 10th at 6:30 pm. You can attend either audition. It is not necessary to attend both. Auditions will consist of theater games and readings from the poem “T’was the Night Before Christmas”. Copies of this poem can be found many places on-line, at www.orcasactors.org or in the Actors Theater Notebook at the Library counter.

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to be in a play, this is your opportunity!!! Instead of 35 to 40 rehearsals over two or more months, the radio show will have six rehearsals over a couple of weeks. Instead of having to memorize hundreds of lines, you will read from the script. We will try to cast as many people as possible.

The final decision on which plays to present will be made after auditions. Samples of the kind of plays we may present are available at the counter at the Library. For more information, or if you would like to audition but can not make either of the above dates, contact the Director, Doug Bechtel at (360) 317-5601 or at bechtel@rockisland.com.