By Michel Vekved

The swimmers at the Steve Braun Triathalon on Sunday, Sept. 2, 2012. Photo courtesy of Martin  Taylor  (

The Steve Braun Memorial Triathlon was held on Sunday for the 14th year at Moran State Park.  This triathlon celebrates the memory of Steve Braun who was an avid athlete.  He was a runner, cyclist and kayaker who loved being in the park and living on Orcas.

This year the first two athletes across the finish line were Ross and Mark Drangsholt (1:28:58 & 1:29:20), brothers from the greater Seattle area who have been participating in the SBMT for several years. Keri Fezzey (1:30:40) was the third athlete and first female across the finish line.  This was Keri’s first year in the triathlon at Moran State Park. Nine teams participated in the triathlon.  Ninety-seven individual participants swam ½ mile in Cascade Lake, cycled 15 miles out towards Doe Bay and ran 3.5 miles around Cascade Lake.

Dan Christoperson from Wildlife Cycles emceed the beginning of the event, providing course information and handing out a multitude of prizes from local businesses. Cathy Faulkner emceed the finish, announcing winners, while also thanking local sponsors and volunteers.

A runner crosses the finish line at the Steve Braun triathalon. Photo courtesy of Martin Taylor (

Martin Taylor was on hand to take action photos of all the athletes. His gallery of photos of the race are available online at

It takes about 20 volunteers to pull this race together in a safe and orderly manner.  This year the Friends increase the awareness of cyclists on the road by placing nearly 17 caution signs and several volunteers along the route.  Caroline Buchanan was one volunteer that helped to make sure motorists were well aware of the bike event on our local roads.

Each year the Friends make minor improvements like a better defined transitional area, race chutes, bike racks and comforts for athletes.  One very noticeable improvement this year was the CenturyLink clock.  The clock was positioned near the finish line so that athletes could see their race time as they approached the finish line.  The clock was made possible by a substantial donation by CenturyLink.  CenturyLink is excited to support the Friends of Moran and SBMT triathletes for years to come.  Next year the Friends expect to add a water and first aid station along the trail for runners as well as more bike racks.

The funds raised from the event will be earmarked for the Friends of Moran Summit Learning Center and educational outreach. If you are interested in volunteering for this energetic event the Friends encourage you to visit their web page or email for more information.  More race details and photos will be available on Friends of Moran Facebook page.