Emily Reed views the expansive Asian Art collection on display at the Orcas Senior Center during the month of April

The Lundeen Room at the Orcas Senior Center hosts a museum-like collection of Asian art and artifacts.

Emily Reed, John Louton, and others have donated clothing, pottery, ceramics, musical instruments, calligraphy and other Asian art for display at the Orcas Senior Center, in the Lundeen Room.

The exhibit further features Japanese prints, clothing from China, Japan, Vietnam and Korea, Imari  pottery, Chinese musical Instruments, and fans.

Jacqueline Kempfer curated the show with the help of fellow Visual Arts Committee members, Sue Lamb, Lois Baney and Sue Watkin. They were delighted and surprised by the quality and variety of items received for this Asian Artifacts and Art display.

The public is welcome to view the exhibit during Senior Center hours, 9 to 4 Monday through Friday, and is also invited to attend lunches for $7 on Tuesdays and Fridays, at 11:30 a.m. There is a discounted rate for seniors and children. Call 376-2677.

The exhibit has been very well received and will be taken down after Senior lunch on April 24th.