Cafe Olga and the Artworks studio after the fire was extinguished. (Cara Russell/Orcas Issues photo, reproduction with written permission only.)

Café Olga and the Artworks studio after the fire was extinguished. (Cara Russell/Orcas Issues photo, reproduction with written permission only.)

by Cara Russell

The Café burned. There were artists, employees of Olga Café, the owners, members from Orcas Fire and Rescue, the county sheriff’s department, people from Orcas Auxiliary —  people who are there for support, providing food, and any extra help needed — and friends.

“An unbelievable loss of artwork,” said artist Carol Anderson. “To see all of the artists looking at their babies…”

For many of the artists displaying their work at Olga Café, this is their livelihood, and many of them are now concerned about making a living and keeping their homes.

Orcas Fire and Rescue puts out the fire at Orcas Artworks. Photo property of Cara Russell/Orcas Issues, reproduction with written permission only.

Orcas Fire and Rescue puts out the fire at Orcas Artworks. (Cara Russell/Orcas Issues photo, reproduction with written permission only.)

It is hard for any business to succeed on Orcas Island, and in the season when we all depend of revenue to make it through the winter, this is a huge blow to the owners of Olga Café, as well as the artists.

I spoke with Remy, an employee who has been here at the  Artworks site since 7:30 this morning. He didn’t even know until he arrived. “We are all young people, and can find other work, ” he said. “But this will be hardest on the owners and the artists.