Salon & Writers’ Open Mic this Monday  is guaranteed to light a flame or two at the much-requested Eastsound location.The popular literary event will be held at 7 p.m. at FIRE restaurant in Eastsound.

The featured writer is  Ellen Welcker. Ellen was the first writer to ever read for the Artsmith Salon Series in Sept ’09. At the time, she was full of life, and made us all contemplate the ambitious task of swallowing a whale. Since then, Ellen has been quite productive; this time, she’ll bring her baby, as well as her first book,The Botanical Garden, published by Astrophil Press in 2010.

Her poems and critical writing have appeared in Tinfish, Shampoo, Mudlark, XCP: Cross Cultural Poetics, Quarterly Conversation, and Gently Read Literature, among others. She is a graduate of Goddard College’s MFA program, and lives in Seattle, where she works at Wave Books.

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