The Holiday Festival of Arts at the Senior Center is held on November 24 this year, the Saturday after Thanksgiving — just a week away!

Staff Assistant to the Senior Center Advisory Board Jane Heisinger once again has taken the helm to rent tables at the Center. Hallways will also be filled with displays, raffle items refreshments (including bake sale items), and musicians who have signed on to serenade festival-goers, and the Stars of the Season, Santa and Mrs. Claus.

There are still tables available at $30 per table for fine and domestic artists, craftsmen and artisans. The first $100 that the artist/craftsman makes is theirs. The Senior Center takes 10% of anything earned over that first $100 and all of that money goes to help keep the Senior Center operational.

The Orcas Island Senior Center Holiday Festival of Arts is always a beehive of islanders buying and selling the arts and crafts made by creative islanders. And don’t miss the chance to bid on a three-nights’stay at a condo on the beach at Long Beach where you can bring your horses for riding on the beach!

The holiday fundraiser for the Center’s Senior Services will be held Saturday, Nov. 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Senior Center/County offices building near the corner of Mt. Baker and North Beach Roads.

Call the Senior Center at 376-2677 or Jane Heisinger, Coordinator of the Senior Services Advisory Committee, at 376-7929 to reserve your table!