As part of its program of special events to be held in conjunction with “Journey Stories.” this summer’s special exhibition from the Smithsonian Institution, The Orcas Island Historical Museum is organizing an exhibit of visual art and poetry entitled “The Art of the Journey.”

The Museum invites all Orcas Island artists and poets to submit a piece of work to be included in this exhibit, which will be on display throughout the month of August at the Orcas Island Senior Center.

“Journey Stories” is an exhibit which explores the varied stories of Americans as they have emigrated, migrated and meandered around our vast country. Artists and poets have long used their work as an opportunity to chronicle such journeys, or to express the thoughts and emotions related to inner journeys or life passages. It is hoped that this exhibit will be an energetic gathering of work about journeys of all kinds.

Artwork can be of any size in any two-dimensional medium, and pieces should be framed or otherwise display-ready. Poetry will be printed and mounted for display. Works will need to be submitted by July 20th. Artists and poets interested in participating can call  the Museum at 376-4849 or  send an email to to arrange for a submission.

Thanks to JoEllen Moldoff

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