While island temps are considerably lower than on the mainland, it’s hot today and will be again tomorrow. There are a number of common-sense precautions listed below to minimize the impact, but if you or someone you know are in crisis due to the temperatures, please call 911 to notify San Juan County Dispatch.

The situation will be assessed, and those who are simply in need of a cooler space will be directed to established cooled locations where they can wait out the heat of the day. Those with more significant needs (medical support or assistance with transportation) will be supported in the same way as any other crisis call.

And if you’re not in crisis, but want some help staying cool, some thoughts:

In addition:

  1. Most importantly, check on anyone you know who might be vulnerable, and if you have air conditioning, invite those vulnerable over for the day!
  2. Stay hydrated.
  3. Stay indoors.
  4. Keep your shades and curtains down and windows closed.
  5. Fans will make a big difference.
  6. Put buckets of ice in front of your fan.
  7. Moisten your skin or your sheets at night.
  8. Open your house windows at night.
  9. Don’t cook indoors.