In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.


As dusk descends into darkness, it wraps us
Each inside the curtain of night.
The words we speak fly through the ethers
Looking for connection and longing for attachment.

Each of us, hungry and underfed.
Our hearts filled with past regrets.
Each of us, tentatively reaching to touch
The joy we believe, we hope to be hidden deep within.

Our words… how they twist and turn,
Chris-crossing in mid-air, deftly defying gravity.
They form fresh new images, hoping to convey
The intensity of feeling we each share for the other.

What can be said about these connections,
As they attempt to reach across the many miles
Separating us? I utter terms of endearment,
Confident they have been felt. Hoping they will be returned.

Robin DiGeorgio