In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

— by Carla Stanley —

And all night danced the ashes that phoenix kept jarred in a bubble
they and I alright together coupled like three friends
a dog watches my wrist…..time bones crackle…..second hands
wait for first helpings
sand stands shorebound for ships to pass
quarters deck the halls of bald captains hatless…..a sextant waits
panting for fondling
squint the sun and gather north + south – east and divided by west
fill your hip waders with cool water wet yourself homeward
all are shorn that are going to sheep…..count the runt jumping the fence
sail a tale tall in to the set sun and know you are the red sky at night