In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate and highlight our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to again offer daily poetry during April.

Return to Earth

— by S Sydney Cooke —

The origin: The Story of the Staring

One expands forth
to and beyond
this very moment.
Everything is of the One
of no thing.
Vibration began.
Creation Song has
made all that is.
You and me
and all we
partake of.

I Choose Now

— by S Sydney Cooke —

There is no absolute Truth.
There is no straight path of mind
without traps and pitfalls save Yours.

I feel your lure and with bold,
gallant, mouse-heart; the sword
of insight and commitment I turn —

… inhale

and step
out my door.
Knowing all blades cut both ways,
I portion off my resentments
and pride.

Sword tip of my I to
Your sacred breast,
I bow, kiss
and receive my lesson.

May I keep faith in Life’s Love;
Trust in Emergent Gaia;
May I choose, ‘Yes’.

Beloved Gaia Breath

— by S Sydney Cooke —

Breath awakes soul lights and tingles.
I breathe You in thick nectar of Gaia.
You breathe me.
Snake of my spine bites my brain
You ignite a rainbow of listening and levity.
Conspirers all AWAKE.
Taste her breath and hear her embrace,
Held, be held
Behold the beloved