Orcas Lullaby

by Trevor Welford

Lorelei, sweet Lorelei
A wish before I die.
To lay my head upon your lap
And whisper fond goodbye.

They say you are a fallen star
Beyond all hope and care.
A force of nature, rare, untamed
A whirlpool to despair.

Lorelei, sweet Lorelei
I have no fear of thee,
For I was doomed eternally
To fruit the Judas tree.

Your laugh can light a stormy day
Bring calm to raging seas,
Unlock a soul from galley chains
And set the prisoner free.

Lorelei. Sweet Lorelei
Your presence draws me near,
To wreck upon the jagged rocks
That ever linger here.

The siren song that permeates
Each moment you embrace,
Will captivate this mariner’s soul
To sink beyond all trace.

Lorelei, sweet Lorelei
Invade my sweetest dream,
Forever vague, but always there
More real than e’er than you seem.

Sleeping softly neath my gaze
Head bowed deep in prayer,
Where you are I cannot tell
But hope that I am there.

Lorelei, sweet Lorelei
What wonders might have been,
If yesterday was like today
Most peaceful and serene.

When you wake and do return
To touch my space once more,
Will happiness embrace you face
As did in times before.

Lorelei, sweet Lorelei
Fates hand will roll the dice,
The future is a lottery
Twixt hell and paradise.

Would I had the magic words
To straightens all life’s curves,
Your future would be ever kind
Each blessing you deserve.