Lola 1.

by Leif

So I’m thinkin’
we hurt because we love
and we love for all the stuff in
package deal
we can brace ourselves everytime
or we can -like-
em-brace it all.
I fear getting stuck –
she was a cat.
I tried not to freight her with all the
of my lonesome soul
and she would not have understood
(a purr covers a world of dialects..)
life is life and mortality mortality
life can be a learning
and mortality ..
does not have to be a surprise.
It is good to practice
especially when denial is so easy.
once upon a time
perhaps my embrace
made her special
perhaps special is everywhere
and we need a little gift
sometime, from ‘everywhere’
to begin to appreciate it
counterbalance all the other..

‘dark matter’ though invisible
they say
forms the vast majority of what ‘is’
its gravity warps all time and space
creates our fate by its presence,
I feel the pull
of a small lovely creature
buried now
under the little lake in my backyard
surely but an artifact
of evolution on a nervous system
humans and their creatures
indeed this entire planet coevolved
how do we tease out the strands?
surely we cannot.

I miss her
as surely as green
after frost