In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate and highlight our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to again offer daily poetry during April.

In the Silence

— by E A Dean —

In the silence—
Well not silence really
Lamp buzzes, tap drips—still
In the mostly silence
Stellar Jay screeches
In the silence I wish for
Thoughts form whole things
Big things, big things on walls
Un-named yet—I can touch them
And they do smell
Or was that the lavender soap?
Fridge kicks in, heater clicks, clock ticks
The silence I long for
Is unavailable at this time
Would I like to leave a message.

In the Winter of Her Life

— by E A Dean —

She undid the fabric of her past loves
Unraveled them into a single strand
Wound it into a skein of good yarn
Brought it down through the years
And with it wove a shawl
With which to cover herself
In the winter of her life


— by E A Dean —

At Shallow Valley Farm
The sheep stand
A semicircle
Transfixed by the man
Who took away their lambs.
Today he is assembling
A manger scene —
Fake lambs —
The better to worship
Baby Jesus.