In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate and highlight our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to again offer daily poetry during April.

-Dedicated to Mike-

— by Dove Lina Dingman —

Early zodiacal light brings out the ice mold
…..hidden in marrow of each bone
Damn battery powered clock glows
…..neon demon green.

Huddling in small cabin smothered in quilts
…..while eyelids un-glue open
……….to observe just how
Pearl Moment the morning is and dreading what
…..time headlights will shine
……….familiar pattern on the west wall.

This is the time when ten million excuses
…..speak; each sounding better
……….than the last,
while seconds flip digital and toes grow frost.

Nodding back to slumber to dream of independent wealth
…..oh, to have every day off
……….to wander-hike and maybe do just nothing…
……………or everything.

Yes, it would be nice, hummm?

Caught daydreaming before the day has begun,
…..the cocoon is slowly unwrapped,
……….to head to the bathroom which is
…………...not exactly warm.

Body knows cold now through the long-johns while the tap
…..takes much too long to get water
hot enough for a washcloth and the delicate sponging of that
…..pesky zit under right nostril.

Head out to one room that houses the entire living space and
…..slap on work clothes
……….which somehow have stood by themselves
……………due to concrete and sawdust,
…………………speaking the language of an independent life-form.

Wind mustard yellow polar fleece scarf
…..around this swan neck and hunt for the hat
……….that plays hide-and-seek every a.m.;
Fasten steel-tipped boots over double woolen socks and


…..To grab the sack lunch waiting in the fridge
……….prepared the night before,
cuz’ really, who makes a sandwich until there is coffee?

Settle into the wait bundled in layers that will come off one by one
… the day and the work increases,

Still looking for the bright circles to appear
…..ghost-like upon the wallpaper.