In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

— by Nancy Reas —

A brown, dry leaf falls slowly to the grass below
…..taking its time.
There is no rush.
Its place awaits it
…..and now it lies still.
But its journey is not yet complete
…..even though one might think so
…..looking at it.
Though lifeless, it will nurture the soil
… itself to something bigger.
While it lived, it fed the mother tree
…..provided shade, beauty, protection,
… one in a multitude.
In death its purpose is no less important.

Perhaps that is the way of the human creature as well.
Like the leaf, her purpose is life giving.
She offers comfort, companionship, inspiration, love,
…..nurturing the larger human body.
At life’s end, following the natural path,
…..the human also returns
… the place waiting for her
… herself to the earth which sustained her before.

And perhaps at life’s passing the human soul also returns
… the greater human/divine spirit
…..replenishing it
…..becoming part of something grander than its single self.

The leaf, the body, the soul–
…..all part of the same circle?