— from Julia Wrapp for Orcas Island Library —

As Orcas Island Library remains closed, we continue to focus on serving our patrons in every way possible, while also looking toward expanding our services as soon as we can do so safely.  Employees continue to work mostly from home.  We will continue to make library resources available through every means possible while ensuring the safety of employees and the public during this challenging time. We are sharing a variety of electronic resources for all ages, some educational and others recreational, via our website at www.orcaslibrary.org. Some examples include the Kanopy movie streaming service, Pronunciatior language learning product, our e-book and e-audiobook offerings, and a range of e-learning options.

Please note that WiFi internet is available outside the Library 24×7, both in the parking lot and on the grounds. We do ask everyone to adhere to recognized safe practices, such as wearing masks and keeping safe interpersonal distances.

The Library is making use of this time to continue a public works project which we made sure was permitted under the Governor’s Stay Home–Stay Healthy order.  We are making best use of this time in order that improvements are made with the least amount of inconvenience to patrons.  Once we are through these times, we look forward to opening our doors with improvements in place.

The Library is currently considering some version of curbside service, similar to what the Orcas Food Coop is already doing. We will move toward putting this in place once we are certain we can do so using safe practices ensuring no spread of the virus. We are working closely with local and state health authorities to make sure we’re in alignment with public health recommendations.

This has been an unusual year with any number of new experiences for all of us.  As a crucial Orcas Island resource, we are looking at every possible means of serving the island during these extraordinary times.

Stay safe, take care of one another, and let’s look forward to the day when we are all able to share this treasured resource openly once again.