…toward the Fire Recovery Grant pool!  Please join him and you’ll double your donation to help our small businesses recover from the devastating fire of April 7th.

Click here to double your donation today:  https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=599XPY3JTLNW6 

The fire wiped out numerous businesses in our small town, left families without a way to put food on the table, and scarred the heart of our downtown. Could you please help get them back on their feet? 

With your generous donation as well as that of dozens of other individual donors, we’ll be able to help lift up our little island businesses into a stronger place.  100% of Fire Recovery Grant donations will go directly into the hands of our business owners, enabling them to get back in business faster. 

More information on all Fire Recovery programs:  https://sanjuansedc.org/fire-recovery/ 

I am absolutely blown away by islanders’ generosity, as we rebuild our beloved businesses and our downtown.

Please join us with your donation, and it will be DOUBLED!

Fire Recovery Resources

Dear Business Owners and Workers,

Our hearts are with you right now and always.  Here are some resources to help, and we’re standing by if you need us.  Call anytime at 360-378-2906, or email info@sanjuansedc.org


EDC Fire Recovery Grant.  This grant is funded by donations. Businesses with significant financial losses not covered by insurance are urged to apply for a grant from the EDC’s Fire Recovery Grant pool.  Please fill out form here and email to info@sanjuansedc.org:  EDC_Fire-Recovery_Grant-Application_4-7-22

SJI Chamber Recovery Grant.  This grant is funded by donations, please click here for more information:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-friday-harbor-businesses-after-the-fire 

Economic Injury Disaster Assistance.  Business owners are urged to complete the SBA’s pre-application form for Economic Injury Disaster Assistance from the SBA.  While your business may not need the support, your neighboring businesses may, and the SBA will not consider an Economic Injury Declaration without 5 worksheets completed by affected businesses. Please complete the form here and email it to info@sanjuansedc.org when completed:  Economic Injury Worksheet SBA

NWWA Recovery Grant.  Our office is currently working on partnering with regional economic development offices to offer a recovery grant, and information will be posted forthwith.