The Eastsound Chapter of the American Legion will hold memorial services for Veterans of U.S. Armed Forces tomorrow, Nov. 11, starting at 11 a.m.

November 11 was observed as Armistice (laying down of arms) Day since 1918 to mark the end of armed warfare between the Allies and the Central Powers in World War I.

The United States celebrated the day jubilantly; many were sure there’d never be another war.  Now in the U.S., England, France and Canada in particular, the day commemorates those who died in both World War I and II.

In 1954, the United States changed the day to Veterans’ Day, to commemorate those who have served in the armed forces during all the country’s wars.

Following the memorial services, the American Legion will host a prime rib sandwich lunch, open to all. Free.

For more information, call 376-4987.

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