By Judi Resch for the American Legion Auxiliary
Each year, at this time, we reach out to the community (businesses and individuals) requesting  contributions for the Voyle Martin American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 93 Annual Scholarship Fund Drive.

The Auxiliary awards four  scholarships that are supported by this fund:

  • The Sally Hart Memorial Scholarship (established in 1964)
  • the Mid Flahererty Memorial Scholarship (established in 1981)
  • the Lar Vern Key Memorial Scholarship (established in 1991)
  • the American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship (established in 2007).

We ask for contributions of $25 for the continued funding of the scholarships. We will post an 8” x 10” poster acknowledging each individual contributor and an 8” x 10” ad for each business contributor that supports our graduates. These acknowledgements remain posted for one year and are seen by all who visit our post home throughout the year.

Thanks to your generosity we have been able to award 1-3 more scholarships in addition to those mentioned above. The community has been very supportive of our scholarship fundraising  in the past and and it is our hope that continues in 2011.

We know these are extremely tough economical times for most so your continued support is greatly appreciated. Please make your checks payable to the American Legion Auxiliary and send to the attention of Judi Resch/Eloise Monson, American Legion Post #93, 793 Crescent Beach Dr., Eastsound WA 98245. You may also bring your donations to the post; it is open at 4 p.m. daily. We would like to have all posters and acknowledgements printed and on display before Memorial Day weekend.

If you are a new business contributor or an existing business contributor with a new business card please enclose the business card(s) with your donation. These will be enlarged to the 8” x 10” ad. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Judi Resch at 376-4069.

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