— by Deborah Sparks, Orcas Issues reporter —

Gathered around a long table in the cool shade of a huge hanger are a group of men and women who love to fly. Enjoying hot dogs with all the fixings and beverages, they talk flying, airplanes, laughing at each other’s jokes and stories. Mostly, they enjoy each other’s company.

It’s a big day for the members of the Airhawks Flying Club, and it shows on all their faces as an airplane taxis up to the hanger and two men step out. One an instructor and the other a student who will have his Private Pilot’s license very soon. They are all celebrating the Airhawks Flying Club purchasing their own four-seater 1993 Beechcraft Sundowner (C23). Bob Waunch, a seasoned pilot, put it plainly, “It holds more weight, we can use it for flight training, for Mercy Flights, and we can use it to rent out to pilots that are members who fly for recreation.”

And, there is a mission that the Airhawks Flying Club (a non-profit 501 C3) is committed “to strengthen aviation in the San Juan Islands by granting scholarships to young people to obtain their Private Pilot’s license.”

In 1994, when the Airhawks Flying Club formed, they began educational programs conducted for youth ranging from ages 9 to 18 years old. Then, in 1999, the Airhawks Board elected to grant funding to be used for flight instruction and training for youth. Zack Eisenson was the first student to fly at age 15 and then licensed as a Private Pilot at 17. He’s now in the Air Force.

To date, 20 scholarships have been awarded with 16 youths successfully obtaining Private Pilot’s licenses and the “ground school” continues on. Airhawks Flying Club is looking for youth who wish to learn how to fly and they encourage students to begin any time.

Obtaining a private pilot’s license includes studying many topics, actual flying time, learning about and understanding weather, flying regulations, the aircraft, decision-making skills, math skills, communication, and much more.

The Airhawks Flying Club emphasis is on education, so a student must be dedicated and committed to knuckle down on learning in ground school which includes reading books, watching videos, using Apps, face to face classes to practicums (flying time). Currently, there are two Certified Instructors on Orcas Island – Eric Gourley and Tony Simpson. Aside from their Private Pilot’s licenses, both instructors, in order to become instructors, were required to pass written and oral exams, practicums, physicals and continually attend “update” training sessions.

Bob Waunch put it clearly, “a student in flying needs to approach flying as a profession, not as a hobby. It can’t be approached casually. And Airhawks Flying Club Board members provide mentoring for each student throughout their training. ”

Bob Waunch, along with his colleagues, is a friendly, approachable man who obviously loves flying and encouraging youth and adults to appreciate and learn how to fly. Waunch is the Secretary/Treasurer on the Board along with Rick Fant, President and Rex Chadwell, Board Member. To reach the Airhawks Flying Club you can mail questions or interest to PO Box 1024, Eastsound, WA 98245.