— from KOMO News

An orca feared to be in grave condition who might not survive until spring was spotted Friday near the San Juan Islands, whale researchers said.

After getting a sighting of the J-Pod Friday morning, researchers with the Center for Whales Research went out and found several of the orcas in Haro Strait.

Of the several orcas swimming around, researchers spotted J17, who was last seen near the start of the year in failing health.

J17 was one of two orcas spotted in early January who was dangerously thin due to a lack of fish to eat, said the center’s Ken Balcomb. Researchers say her survival is crucial because at 42, she is still young enough to bear calves.

But Friday, J17 appeared in better shape.

“J17 was still alive and had even improved a little in body condition since December/January,” researchers wrote. “However, her breath still smelled awful so the CWR will remain cautiously optimistic that she will survive.”

K25 was the other whale spotted that appeared to be malnourished. There has been no update given on its fate.