— by Susan McBain, Orcas Issues reporter —

At their December 18 meeting, the Orcas Island Health Care District (OIHCD) and the UW Neighborhood Clinic (UWNC) got a step closer to agreeing on medical services to be provided on Orcas Island.

Earlier this month, UWNC regional staff members—Mark Bresnick, associate director of operations for UWNC’s North Region, and Dr. Matt Jaffy, assistant medical director of the region—worked with OIHCD commissioners Art Lange and Diane Boteler to come to agreement on the provision of the clinic’s after-hours care services. A summary of the points agreed to in the meeting was approved by all four participants. That document will be the basis for Bresnick and Jaffy to begin discussions on after-hours care with both UWNC senior managers and Orcas clinic providers. OIHCD commissioners were pleased at the progress, and they encouraged next steps to be carried out quickly.

The board also began discussions of Commissioner Patty Miller’s draft of the Contract Services Agreement with the UWNC. They decided to include the elements of the agreement in the contract they are currently negotiating with UWNC; however, they acknowledged that UWNC’s process might take time. (A summary can be found here).

To lower legal costs, Miller prepared the draft herself based on the signed contract with Orcas Family Health Center. Once she makes the changes to the draft that were suggested by the commissioners, it will go to the Commission’s attorneys for final legal review. Legal costs this year have totaled about $25,000, $5,000 over budget.

Reflecting its more predictable workload, the Commission passed a resolution scheduling its regular meetings twice a month rather than weekly, on the first and third Tuesdays at 4 p.m. Commission Chair Richard Fralick closed the meeting by suggesting that the commissioners “think where we were a year ago, and where we were when we met the first time in May, and pat ourselves on the back for the ground that we’ve covered and how far we’ve come. Happy New Year—may we make as much progress next year as we have this year!”

The Commission’s next meeting is Jan. 8 (because of the holiday on Jan. 1) at 4 p.m. in the Eastsound Fire Hall.