— by Rosie Kuhn —

We can bend spoons and we can heal ourselves of disease. Which of these is more fun to practice?

There are a lot of people who dabble in the metaphysical world, with astrology, tarot, dowsing, or bending spoons. So many possibilities are at our fingertips to experience the energetic nuances of our Greater Reality!

Curing ourselves of disease and what ails us as we age is also very realistic, according to Kelly Turner, who wrote the book Radical Remissions. So, where do most of us put our energies – in dabbling or in healing ourselves of what makes us sick?

Recently, I came across this aspect of me that seems to want to make my life difficult. It steers me towards poverty, loneliness, and wondering if I’ll ever amount to anything. I named this part of me my Executioner. It doesn’t care whether I’m a good person or a bad person. It is very much like the Queen of Hearts in Alice In Wonderland, who is famous for saying “Off with their heads!”

To manifest a life of whole-being and well-being, I’ve had to do some very deep digging to discover this part of me that punishes me for a choice I made a long time ago. It was a choice that I know was the very best choice given the circumstances of that time. My executioner doesn’t care. It’s off with my head, regardless.

I believe a lot of us aging gurus live with circumstances from our past where there was no “good choice” available to us. We did the very best we could with what we had to work with, and yet we still punish ourselves for the consequence of those choices. I believe these inner executioners keep us from being healthier, wealthier, and fulfilled. And for what?

What’s the point of punishing ourselves for choices made in the past? I don’t have answers to this question. However, I can now begin to notice when I’m in a state of self-degradation and self-punishment. I’m aware when I feel a visceral angst, which used to be so normal that I didn’t know it was really a not good way to be towards myself.

What I want for you is what I want for everyone, including me. I want you to come to acknowledge that you’ve always been doing the very best you can do. I want you to respect that the conditions of your reality brought you into every circumstance and every experience you’ve had thus far in your life. I want you to honor that who you were decades ago – who you may still be punishing, knew not what he or she was doing. And, I want you to honor what it has taken for you to courageously live life with all the calamities and insanities. Through acknowledging, respecting and honoring ourselves for the way that it was and the way that it is, we begin to heal ourselves to greater degrees – in the meta-physical realm of our being. This is how we create magic and miracles in our own lives!

We can restore our sanity, our health, and our well-being once we retire our executioner. We all deserve a rest from past mistakes – even our executioner. 

For more blogs, books, videos, or if you are interested in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website: www.theparadigmshifts.com. And her podcasts can be found at aginglikeaguru.podbean.com, and at spiritualimmersion.podbean.com. The book Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? and Dr. Rosie’s other books are available at Darvill’s Bookstore, the Cottage Gift Shop, and Amazon.

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