I have received almost daily emails from the Harris-Walz presidential campaign indicating the candidates want to meet me. They are even willing to pay for my airfare and a hotel room. I’m flattered, but there are some pretty compelling reasons why that it isn’t going to happen.

First of all, there is the simple fact of attempting to get to America — and then back home to Orcas Island — via ferry. If you are reading this from the island, then you understand my concern. Schedules are, shall we say, challenging and it would be so embarassing to text the campaign, if I do happen to get a reservation that will coincide with a pre-arranged mainland schedule, that my ferry is “delayed.” Just trying to coordinate my itinerary with their modus operandi would no doubt be nearly impossible — especially as I sit in a ferry line.

Then, there’s the wardrobe considerations. I’m not confident that a selection from my aged and limited closet offerings would be appropriate for whatever they have planned. Sweatpants and a t-shirt? That would just be rude to show up clad in my favorite outfit for some evening gala event that I’m sure they would have planned.

Oh, and I’m currently using a walker to get around. Another opportunity to impress the candidates, I’m sure, to slow down the festivities as I hobble around and try to keep up.

And it would certainly be challenging to maintain theOrcasonian website while off on some political kabortle that would, no doubt, only last 10 minutes at most with the two candidates.

For these reasons, and others I don’t need to mention, I am choosing not to respond to them, even though, bless their hearts, they keep trying. But it’s not like they have offered to pay my ferry fare, although they will take a photo to capture the moment.


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