Jennifer Brennock will conduct a writing workshop on Tuesday, July 12th at 10:30am-1:30 pm in the Library Meeting Room in Friday Harbor.

“In this workshop we will expand on the technique of point of view in writing. From what vantage point is a story best told? It changes with every story you have to tell. We will take off from the basic notion of point of view and sharpen your knowledge with this workshop for wordsmiths.

“This class is for writers of all skill levels and genres and will focus on peer feedback. If you attended the previous Vantage Point workshop, you will find new material in this class. If not, join the continued discussion!  Participants only need to bring writing materials & paper with them!”

Jennifer Brennock received her MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College and writes poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction. She has taught creative writing through the Osher Lifelong Learning Center of Southern Oregon University. Jennifer lives on Orcas Island and is the assistant director of Artsmith, a nonprofit supporting writers and visual artists.

Please register for this free workshop by calling the Library at 378-2798, stop by the Library to sign up, or e-mail abourne(at)

Registration required, call 378-2798 to register.